leavingwt's advice can be accomplished very easily. Also you can get podcasting software for under 300 bucks and use VIOP for calling in...I think VIOP would be able to work with that. Just my two cents.
Burger Time
JoinedPosts by Burger Time
conference call Saturday August 2 RUMBLINGS AT GILEAD!
by kool aid man06 ina reliable source has informed us that the registrar of gilead was removed....laid off.
is the watchtower school of gilead, where they train their missionaries, in the process of downsizing or perhaps dismantling.
now that math.
conference call Saturday August 2 RUMBLINGS AT GILEAD!
by kool aid man06 ina reliable source has informed us that the registrar of gilead was removed....laid off.
is the watchtower school of gilead, where they train their missionaries, in the process of downsizing or perhaps dismantling.
now that math.
Burger Time
Might it be better to do more of a pod cast show live? Then have a call in segment? I know it can be quite a task but in the long run it might be better suited for the younger generation.
smoking in uk?
by John Doe insorry, don't know the original source for this.
a painter and decorator who received a 30 fine for smoking in his own van has warned that british civil liberties are "going up in smoke".. .
Burger Time
Employees have the option to work elsewhere, they also can say, "hey please don't smoke around me". This is the whole reason our country was founded. We didn't want the King of England getting all up in our business. I feel the same way about restaurants being forced to be non smoking. I don't smoke, but you know what I can always go to a restaurant that caters to me if I don't like smokers around when I am eating. That simple. Who was this guy hurting again??
smoking in uk?
by John Doe insorry, don't know the original source for this.
a painter and decorator who received a 30 fine for smoking in his own van has warned that british civil liberties are "going up in smoke".. .
Burger Time
Oh ok well lets agree on this, the government should not be able to tell private businesses that they have to enforce smoking laws. If his boss allows him to smoke then this is a violation of civil liberties.
smoking in uk?
by John Doe insorry, don't know the original source for this.
a painter and decorator who received a 30 fine for smoking in his own van has warned that british civil liberties are "going up in smoke".. .
Burger Time
Fe2 I have never heard of any case where you could not smoke in your own car, that is unless your carrying around extremely flammable material. To tell someone they can't do something that only does harm to them is in my personal opinion a blatant case of civil liberties being infringed (and yes I also think people should be able to smoke crack in private). The worst part is his partner was smoking also, this is an obvious case of infringing on civil liberties. It has NEVER BEEN PROVEN SECOND HAND SMOKE CAUSES CANCER. So even the, "hey don't give me cancer" excuse is not factually correct.
There have been new studies showing some links to second hand smoke and cancer, but it has yet to really be proven. I concede that it's probably 90% correct that second hand smoke harms when always around it, but in small social settings I'm not so sure. -
My lesbian neighbors are driving me nuts!
by dawg inok my gay friends, i'm going to pick on you a minute, but you know i love you all... .
me... liberal male, could care less what you do with your sex organs, i only care about what i do with mine...that said, i've several gay friends... none of which are monogamous.
so, my next door neighbors are lesbians, neither are the hate all males types like some i have known in the past... matter of fact, one loves sports and hangs out here watching football and other sports with me at least once a week.
Burger Time
Hey Dawg I have dealt with plenty of Lesbians, especially since one of my best friends is a on again off again. It's the worse when a butch one is dating a 2 year girl (get a boyfriend every 2 years). Just tell them point blank they are too much drama for you. Most lesbians that I know will understand, in fact that is always the major problem with lesbians finding one that is no drama. Looks like the one who is your friend is the most dramatic of the bunch though.
Statistical evidence against WTS fulfillment of Mat24:14. Simple argument.
by Awakened at Gilead injehovahs witnesses are proud to point out that they are fulfilling the prophecy at matthew 24:14. jws are quick to point out that part of the purpose of the preaching work is so that jehovah can take note of how people respond to the witnessing, and thus can decide if they are worthy of survival or not.
last year, jws spent 1.4 billion hours in their preaching work.
so if we take: 6.6 billion people.
Burger Time
Hey man I had a similar thing happen to me! Me and my ex went to a Wal-Mart and saw a women with Watchtowers standing outside stopping people coming back. Well my ex being a trouble maker forced us to walk past her, I even smiled! She didn't even blink just kept a stern face and let me walk by...WTF?? Guess the holy spirit was with her.
Ex astronaut says Aliens exist but NASA covers it up.
by misanthropic ini apologize if this has already been posted- thought it was interesting and makes me wonder.
dr edgar mitchell, said he was aware of several ufo visits during his career, but each one had been covered up.. .
Burger Time
The chances of him telling the truth are just as great as him making it all up. I agree with you John about how he takes some third party knowledge and then makes claims it must be real. He never claims he saw visitors or witnessed any UFO's just that someone told him about it.
No one else fulfills the preaching of Matt 24:14
by passwordprotected inas explained to me recently, only jehovah's witnesses are actively fulfilling matt 24:14, thus showing them alone to be the true religion.
sidestepping the glaring issue of jesus stating that love would mark the identity of true christians, let's examine that notion.. .
i have personally rebutted that opinion by stating, with accuracy, that many christians have a gospel ministry and manage to reach hundreds of millions of people across the planet with their message.. .
Burger Time
Yea the definitely can't argue out of the fulfillment part. The best excuse I've heard is that by going door to door it's more intimate and questions can be answered better.
No one else fulfills the preaching of Matt 24:14
by passwordprotected inas explained to me recently, only jehovah's witnesses are actively fulfilling matt 24:14, thus showing them alone to be the true religion.
sidestepping the glaring issue of jesus stating that love would mark the identity of true christians, let's examine that notion.. .
i have personally rebutted that opinion by stating, with accuracy, that many christians have a gospel ministry and manage to reach hundreds of millions of people across the planet with their message.. .
Burger Time
Good points but to play devil's advocate, the dubs do preach by internet, phone and TV (yes they have had commercials).